Dream Boxes & Smyths Gift Vouchers

Every child referred into Mercy’s Mighty Foundation will receive a Dream box and a £100 Smyths voucher. 

The Dream box will contain a Mercy bear and age suitable craft materials, it will be dispatched to the child’s home address or hospital ward (if they are an inpatient) ensuring all children can enjoy Mercy’s favourite crafts no matter where they are on their brain tumour journey.

 Additionally, the Smyths voucher will be sent electronically to the child’s parent or guardian meaning all children can enjoy purchasing toys either in store or online as soon as they wish. 

Mercy loved doing crafts during her DIPG battle and it provided vital stimulation and joy, we aim to replicate this joy for other children through supporting them at such difficult times and allowing Mercy’s legacy to live on through each box, spreading her love for crafts, Smyths toy store and her unyielding spirit to children who need it the most.