Referral process

The foundation aims to keep the referral process as simple as possible, meaning we can actively support paediatric brain tumour children quickly and effectively.

As part of the referral process The Foundation will request an electronic email referral from a health care professional or social worker at the hospital the child is being treated. All referrals can be submitted via the foundations dedicated email address, namely

To promote simplicity and to eliminate unnecessary process, the foundation will ask for the following information :

  1. Patients Name
  2. Patients date of birth
  3. Patients address
  4. Confirmation of parental/guardian consent for referral
  5. Diagnosis/date of diagnosis
  6. Is the child attending school?
  7. Parent/Guardian mobile number and email address

By using this method of referral (i.e email from a healthcare professional using a recognised NHS email address) it affords credence to the referral and also ensures the foundation has carried out the necessary due diligence by only dealing directly with health care professionals who know the patient and their family.

Upon receiving a referral from a healthcare professional The Foundation will arrange for a Dream Box and Smyth’s gift voucher to be dispatched ASAP to the address provided. The Foundation will also make email contact with the parent/guardian in relation to the short term respite break.

Of note, we will always aim to acknowledge and respond to any referrals within 72 hours.